Stephanie Says...

"Be the Change You Wish to See in the World" - Gandhi

Thursday, October 26, 2006

This is the Municipal Building of La Paz, where I work everyday.
Its a small building witha courtyard that connects each departmental office. In the center are a few rose bushes and some benches which are almost always full with people waiting to speak to the mayor.

Escuela Jose Trindad de Reyes in Yarumela, La Paz where I have been teaching english to elementary aged students one day a week. Mostly just numbers and the alphabet right now. Yesterday we learned A is for apple, B is for ball, C is for car, and D is for dog. It was as big day for everyone. This is the courtyard where the kids run wild between classes and sometimes during classes. Its really pretty beautiful with the trees that provide much needed shade!

The aldea of Tepanguare where we recently held an open town meeting. Its located about 10 km above La Paz in the cooler mountain climate! We are working on building a new school here as well as a project to organize the coffee farmers in the region.

These are the guys - Diego, Marlon, and Mario (from left to right) - that I spend most of my days with (Julio is missing because he doesn´t like his picture taken. On this day we were up in Tepanguare organizing the community to focus on what the priority projects are for the upcoming year.


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